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Lomse library download and installation

For Linux  |   For Windowx  |   Source code


Linux logoFor GNU/Linux


Ubuntu logoThere is a Debian package to install Lomse in Ubuntu. You can download it from Lomse PPA at Launchpad.


openSuse logo Fedora logo Mandriva logo The people at the openSUSE Education project have included Lomse in their repositories and have created installation packages for some distros. Please the check availability of a package for your distro and download it from the openSUSE project page. Many thanks to the openSUSE Education project people and, in particular, to Joop Boonen (worldcitizen) and Lars Vogdt (lrupp) for creating and maintaining these packages.

Alternativelly, you can build Lomse from sources. The build system is based on CMake, so it is as simple as opening a terminal window and issuing three commands. For detailed instructions to build Lomse see the Installation guide.

Windows XP logoFor Microsoft Windows

There is no installer available. Therefore, the only option is to build Lomse from sources. The build system is based on CMake. It will generate project files for MS Visual Studio or for any other IDE you use. For detailed instructions to build Lomse see the Installation guide.

source code logoSource code

Lomse uses Git for version control. The official Git repository for Lomse is maintained at GitHub, and is accesible at Lomse page at GitHub. You can browse source code from there.

To get the source code, you have several options. For instance:

Last updated: 2016/01/31