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Help for Phonascus

If you need help, please, open an issue in LenMus repo at GitHub. This is the right place where everybody, users and developers, can share their knowledge. I will not give support to anybody by private email.

Feedback and suggestions

Your opinion is important to me. In part, new software features are introduced because you, the users, ask for them. I encourage you to send new ideas, comment on the software or send suggestions for improvement. Again, post your feedback and suggestions by openning an issue in LenMus repo at GitHub. I do read all posts and they are studied and taken into account for future versions of the program. Thank you for your contribution.

Phonascus translations

Translations in LenMus Phonascus are an ongoing process of text improvement. Since all work in the project is done by volunteers, not necessarily professional translators, it is not always possible to achieve maximum quality of translation, due to lack of time or accurate knowledge of the language. Therefore any input leading to improving the text of the translation is highly appreciated. This can be anything from pointing out a typo to suggestions for rephrasing or usage of terminology. All these comments are highly appreciated. Thank you for your input.

To contact a translator go to the translation credits page and click on the link for that translator

Contact me

For other issues, if you really need to get in touch with me by private email, please send emails to email address. Please, do not email me to ask for help as your email will be trashed immediately.

Last updated: 2019/06/20