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Build instructions

Before starting, you should know that LenMus source tree does not include makefiles. All makefiles are generated with CMake build system. CMake can generate different kinds of native build files for many systems and IDEs (e.g. Unix Makefiles, Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files, Visual Studio project files, and many other).

Step 1: Install prerequisites

LenMus needs the following additional libraries:

In addition, you need:

Step 2: Download LenMus sources

When the required libraries are installed, proceed to download the LenMus sources. Lets assume you have a folder named 'projects' at 'C:\Users\<your-user>\projects'. We are going to create there a sub-folder for all LenMus sources and download them from the master repository at GitHub.

For this open the File Explorer and go to the 'projects' folder. Click on it with the mouse right button and select 'Git Bash here'. This will open a command window suitable for using Git.

Now you can download either the latest code:

git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus.git

or a specific Release (e.g. 5.6.0)

git clone -b 'Release_5.6.0' --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus.git

You can now close the command window. The downloaded source code will be in a folder named 'lenmus' in 'C:\Users\<your-user>\projects\lenmus'

Step 3: Generate a makefile and build

When the sources are downloaded run CMake and build. For this, two alternatives are suggested:

Option 1 (simpler): Build from command line using CMake and ninja

Open a Command Window appropriate for desired build type: x86 or x64 build.

Create build directory:

cd C:\Users\<your-user>\projects\lenmus
rmdir zz-build /S /Q
mkdir zz-build && cd zz-build

Create the makefile, build and install:

ninja install

Option 2: Build from Visual Studio



Your comments and fixes to these instructions are welcome. Thank you.


Last updated: 2020/02/24