Funcionalidades Ayuda Descargar

Contributors (alphabetical order)

I would like to thank and express my gratitude to all people that have contributed to the project, and to the many others who have been involved in the project by submitting error reports and suggestions. My apologies for any unintentional omissions from this list. Please contact me for any amendment.

For details about the translators, visit the translation credits page.

Carlos Alarcía
'Options internet' icon design. Help in testing 3.3 to 3.5 releases.
Javier Alejano
Help in testing 3.6 release. Suggestions for improvements.
Joop Boonen (worldcitizen)
Creating and maintaining the RPM packages for openSuse Education project
Bob Byerly
Changes and instructions for creating macOS app bundle.
Carlos De La Fuente
Programing of harmony exercises (unpublished)
Karim Doumaz
Promoting interesting discussions and ideas for moving the project on.
Miguel Fernández Fidalgo
Release 4.0. Initial attempts to develop a distribution package for Linux.
Marcelo Gálvez
Cadences theory texts and corrections in other music theory texts. Advise on musical issues. Help in designing and testing the cadences exercises. Suggestions for exercises.
Jack Van Handenhove
Dutch program and website translation. Help to review English texts. Bug reports, testing releases and sending suggestions.
Ana Madorrán
Releases 3.3 and 3.4: Advise on musical issues; error reports; suggestions for exercises.
Emilio Mesías
Release 4.2. Ideas and discusions for the notes identification exercise.
Mª J. Martínez-Pascua
Release 3.6: Spanish translation review and corrections ; help in testing release 3.6.
Antonio Nicolás Pina
Releases 4.x Developing a distribution package for Linux.
Sara Román García and others
For version 6.0, an in depth review of the program was done by Sara Román and her colleagues from the Department of Music Pedagogy at the University of Cádiz, Spain:
  • Fernando Barrera Ramírez
  • Elena Carrera Pérez
  • Marcelino Díez Martínez
  • Lucía Escoto Castro
  • Pedro Garrido Fernandez
  • Dácil González Mesa
  • Sergio Macías Ortiz
  • Ana Romero Domínguez
My apologies for any unintentional omissions from this list. Please contact me for any amendment.
Lars Vogdt (lrupp) and other people
Maintaining RMP packages at openSuse Education project

Last updated: 2022/01/14