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Question mark logo Building for other Operating Systems



LenMus uses the CMake build system for generating makefiles. CMake can generate different kinds of native build files for many systems and IDEs (e.g. Unix Makefiles, Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files, Visual Studio project files, and many other). But take into account that my cmake script or my cmake macros (in folder /cmake-modules) could need fixes for building. Nevertheless, this should be simple if you have knowledge of the intended target platform.

Building instructions

Step 1: Download LenMus source code

Preferably from source repository. Details in this page.

Step 2: Install prerequisites

LenMus needs the following additional libraries:

In addition, you need:

For instructions to install them, please visit the official websites for these libraries.

Step 3: Run CMake to generate a makefile or project file

When the required libraries are installed, run cmake. It will check that the required dependencies are satisfied and then will generate the makefile or project file for your favorite IDE or build tools. If cmake fails probably it will be due to either:

Step 4: Fix any source code issue and build

After CMake run successfully you will have a makefile or a project file for your favorite IDE. Use it to compile the sources and build. Take into account that it is a lot of code to compile and this will take some time (10 to 15 minutes, depending on your computer).

LenMus code is platform independent and, in theory, it should be not difficult to build for other systems, as long as the intended target system is supported by wxWidgets (it currently supports Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures as well as several mobile platforms including Windows Mobile, iPhone SDK and embedded GTK+). But, to my knowledge, until now LenMus has been built only for Linux and Windows. Therefore, for other platforms, expect and be ready to fix some minor issues in source code that could arise.

Step 5: Install the program

For running, LenMus expects to find different resources (music books, scores, icons, fonts, etc.) in certain folders organized in a predetermined structure. Therefore, you will have to create this structure and its content. For this:

  1. One option is to create this folders structure by hand and copy there the required resources from LenMus source tree.
  2. The recommended option is to fix LenMus cmake script. This script is prepared for doing the installation but only for Linux. It should not be complex to modify it so that CMake can take care of doing also the installation in other platforms.

And that's "all"! Good luck!

Please let me know about your efforts for porting LenMus to another platform and contribute with your fixes. Thank you!


Last updated: 2014/01/12